Teacher's Guide

Routledge Modern Hebrew:
Teacher's Guide

(Hebrew Edition)

By Giore Etzion

Publication Date (digital format): 5/20/2020; revised: 6/23/2024
Pages: 157
Size: 8.3 MB

This comprehensive guide deals with every topic taught in the beginner-intermediate level Hebrew program, explains its reasoning and goals, and offers effective ways to explain and practice it at home and in the classroom. It also deals with issues such as: class time management, number of tests and quizzes, special projects, essays, student presentations, videos and songs, etc.
While the principles discussed are true of any program and any textbook, the guide follows the outline of The Routledge Introductory Course in Modern Hebrew: Hebrew in Israel, and offers specific, detailed activities for each one of the book's 90 lessons.

Listen to the auther talking about Biblical and Modern Hebrew, his teaching philosophy, the book and the website, and more.  [The New Book Network, July 2022]

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